A close friend from law school has a house in the south of Turkey, which I've been angling for a invite to for years. So when she asked a group of girls from work if anyone fancied a break in the sun, I couldn't accept quickly enough.
We sprinted through Gatwick to catch the first flight of the morning (via Madrid, for me, the night before), and we were baking in the sun next to her gorgeous pool by lunchtime.

Set back from the road in an orchard of pomegranate, orange and grapefruit trees, her house is a dream escape.
Morning breakfasts were freshly squeezed juice from the oranges in her garden and grapefruit drizzled with honey, yoghurt and walnuts.

Morning breakfasts were freshly squeezed juice from the oranges in her garden and grapefruit drizzled with honey, yoghurt and walnuts.
To take a break from sunbathing all day, we hopped on push bikes and cycled into the little town of Dalyan to pick up vegetables from the market, freshly-caught fish and, most importantly, mixers for Pimms.
Dalyan's famous for its ancient Lycian tombs, perched in the cliff across the river from the village.

In the evenings we pedalled back into the town for grilled chicken, lamb, moussaka and white wine (and pedalled back a few hours later, somewhat less roadworthy), or barbecued our own fish and aubergines at home on the terrace.
Now I've just got to wangle an invite for next year too...