Sunday 21 April 2013

La Ciudad en Viñetas

Across the hall from its beautiful exhibition of Spanish fashion design, which I wrote about here, is centrocentro's showcase of enormous comic strip cartoons about Madrid, La Ciudad en Viñetas ("The city in cartoons").

Every two months, a new artist supplies the comic strip panels, especially commissioned for the project, with their own graphic narrative of Madrid life and its people.

It's currently the turn of the Pacheco sisters, Carmen and Laura, with their very helpful Guia de Peligros de Madrid para Criaturas de Provincias ("Guide to the Dangers of Madrid for Creatures from the Provinces").

With witty illustrations, they warn out-of-towners of the dangers of relying on the metro, of getting lost amongst the ghosts in the streets, and of falling in love with a madrileño...

"If I wasn't a madrileño, I would die."

But the absolute worst thing you could do?  Leave Madrid and escape to the other side of the world...

...only to miss it when you've gone.